It is a tradition of our's to decorate gingerbread houses each year around Christmas. Ashley and I were each working on our own and Boston was helping out where he could. Included in the gingerbread house kits we were using were small round hard candies like this one.
Boston was helping me put these on a Christmas tree (upside-down ice cream cone covered in green frosting).
Both Ashley and I became distracted while Boston continued playing with the bowl of these candies. A short while later Boston started picking his nose (not uncommon). Ashley began telling him to stop picking his nose, but to no avail. He picked and picked and picked some more. Then he began saying that his booger hurts and that he wanted to get it out. I stopped what I was doing and took him to the bathroom to get a Q-tip in order to dig the booger out. After he told me which nostril it was in I stuck the Q-tip way up to try to extract the menace. When I pulled the Q-tip out, naturally I looked to see what was giving the kid so much grief. Nothing...... Just a purple Q-tip. I thought to myself "Maybe he had purple on his fingers from playing with the candies.....?" Then I pulled the kid's head back and took a gander up his nose. And....