Finally an update for any of those who are still checking my blog. Halloween this year was a lot of fun. Boston had so much fun with painting and carving pumpkins, making Halloween sugar cookies, and dressing up like a pirate. We asked him a month before Halloween what he wanted to be for Halloween and he chose a Pirate so he can have a sword. I always stress over costumes (my stress over costumes makes this Holiday my least favorite) but my mom was a life saver this year. Nick and I went costume shopping and didn't have much luck. My mom came to the rescue and put his costume together. A little bit of frugal shopping at DI and a little sewing (two things she is very good at) and voila the custest little pirate ever. Kolson was easy, he wore the frog costume Boston wore a few years ago. He was a very cute frog and wore it the whole night without a fight.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Posted by Bishop Family at 2:22 PM 13 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
My little 1 year old
This little boy has grown up way to fast. I can't believe he is 1 today. Looking back at his newborn pictures makes me want to cry. He is such a sweet boy (he probably won't like that when he's older) and we have loved every minute of him in our lives (except night time minutes). I don't know how Boston ever lived without his little broter as he calls him. Hearing them play and giggle together is the best noise, and it makes me giggle just watching them laugh at each other.
Posted by Bishop Family at 6:45 AM 11 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
We're still alive
I apologize for the lack of blogging and leaving you all hanging. I've had some hate notes and phone calls about getting back on the blogging wagon. I'm ready and have a few posts that I will be working on for the next couple of days. Anyways for those who don't know we moved to Teton Valley. Nick still has his same job. The housing prices went down here over the last year and Nick has somebody to car pool with here. It has been a good move for us. When it's time to go home after spending the weekend with family Boston asks are we going to our old house or the fun house. I think I'm safe to say it has been a good move for him.
Kolson was such a trooper when we moved. He fell asleep in his jumper which is very unheard of.
Posted by Bishop Family at 2:21 PM 5 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday Night Movie Night
I love our movie nights. Nick started it with Boston when we first moved here. It has been a while since we have had one due to us being out of town for the past few weekends and not having any good movies to watch. We watched Bedtime stories and loved it. Very funny.
Posted by Bishop Family at 5:10 PM 21 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April? SERIOUSLY!!!!
Posted by Bishop Family at 11:30 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Kid pics
The kids did suprisingly good with these pictures. I thought it was going to be a nightmare. We only had a few break downs, but nothing a sucker couldn't take care of.
Posted by Bishop Family at 3:34 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Boston was so funny. He usually runs from the camera when I pull it out but he was totally posing with his orange bowling ball. He keeps telling me he wants to go bowling again with his orange ball.
Kelsey didn't get to go bowling with us because she had the Valentine's dance at school. She looked so pretty. I'm proud to say she's my sister for so many reasons, not just because she's so cute.
Posted by Bishop Family at 1:18 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Kolson update/first hair cut
This post is way past due, I've been working on it for a week now but better late than never. Kolson had his well baby check appt last Tuesday. I believe it was suppose to be his 3 month check but he is now 5 months. I'm a little behind and am playing catch up now with his shots. He weighs 15 lbs. 12 oz. (50 percentile) and is 26 3/4 in. He is a very healthy little boy and is growing like a weed. Before I know it he is going to be a little toddler running around with Boston. So sad, but I am also excited for Boston to have somebody to play with or fight with (hopefully more play).
Kolson had his first hair cut a couple of weeks ago. He just had a little trim off the top (not that noticeable). Firsts are always such a big step for me in my kids lives. They are always kind of bitter sweet moments.
I Just had to add this picture. He was playing with his feet while I was getting a before pic and I think it is so cute when babies play with their feet. Boston never could touch his feet because he was such a chubby or he just wasn't flexible enough.
Posted by Bishop Family at 12:41 PM 6 comments