Sunday, December 7, 2008
Posted by Bishop Family at 8:49 PM 8 comments
For a full explanation of this post's title, click here.
Posted by Bishop Family at 7:54 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Disclaimer: No children were hurt in the making of these video clips. Please do not report me to Social Services.
Posted by Bishop Family at 9:37 PM 7 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
This Halloween was an especially fun Halloween. It was so fun watching Boston, he loved being a football player. Thanks Talia for letting us borrow your costumes. Kolson was a monkey for about 30 min and I'm glad we just borrowed his costume. He didn't hate it but it was just too much work taking it on and off every time we got in the car, so it was mainly for the parents sake that he did not wear it. We went to Idaho Falls for Halloween. We decided to carry on the tradition of trick or treating with Nick's siblings but before meeting up with his family we met my mom and siblings at the park so that my mom could see all of the kids in their costumes. We then met at Nick's sisters house and had pizza and hamburgers. Then we were off to trick or treat. It was a fun night. While we were in Idaho Falls Nick and I decided to go to a movie. We went to Eagle Eye. It is a must see. Nick can hardly stop talking about how good it was. I am a little depressed about being home now after such a fun weekend but at least I have Thanksgiving and Christmas to look forward to.
Posted by Bishop Family at 6:31 AM 3 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Kolson's blessing day
Posted by Bishop Family at 6:06 PM 6 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Catching up
I think it is time that I take over our blog. Nick has always done it in the past but as you can see he has been slacking with the detail. He likes posting pictures and it ends there. I made him put the captions on the last pictures. But I am grateful he has at least been doing that much. (Nick your the best husand.) So first of all I will catch you up a little bit with Kolson. We named him Kolson (not Kohlson) Drake Bishop. We had to do some compromising with the spelling. We basically made a science project out of it. He was 7 lbs. 7 oz., 21 in. long. We went to the dr. last week and he was 9lbs. 4oz. 21 1/4 in. long. He is getting so big and doesn't look like a newborn anymore, it makes me want to cry. Nick thinks I am so silly, but he thinks they are boring until about 4 to 6 mos. so he's excited for him to get big. He has been the best baby, especially compared to Boston. Boston loves being a big brother. The other day Kolson was laying on the floor in Boston's room, I left him and Boston to put something in the kitchen and was gone only seconds when I heard "I'm holding him". I go into the room and Boston is sitting on the ground with Kolson in his arms. He did really pretty well except that Kolson's head was flopped backwards. I'm always having to keep a close eye on Boston because he loves to smother him and hug on him.
Posted by Bishop Family at 1:40 PM 3 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Part 1 of Boston riding in the park.
Part 2
Posted by Bishop Family at 6:37 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
"The Real Stump Creek"

Posted by Bishop Family at 8:26 PM 10 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Seven and a Half Months Pregnant and Still Hotter than a Roman Candle!
Posted by Bishop Family at 5:50 PM 6 comments
Grover Park
Ashley's family came to town to visit this last weekend. On Saturday morning we went on a four-wheeler ride in Grover Park, which is a short 5-10 minute drive from where we live. There were 11 people (8 adults and three children) on 4 four-wheelers. Sound crowded? It was. Nonetheless, it was extremely fun. The kids did great and nobody was hurt..... badly. Jay and Sherry were graceful enough to leave one of their four-wheelers with us (since that is the primary mode of transportation out here). Boston has been elated. Ashley and I have been annoyed. On Sunday morning Boston awoke before we did. (The sound of tiny footsteps running from his room through the kitchen into ours) "I wanna ride the four-wheelel." I am sure that is what the kid dreamt about last night. He will not stop talking about it or taking a peek at it out the front window. By the way, I think a bear got into our garbage last night.
Posted by Bishop Family at 4:45 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
New house, why not a new bed?
As of Saturday May the 10th we are residents of rural Wyoming. Bedford, Wyoming to be exact (Do not try to look it up on an atlas or even google map it because it will either not be there or it will be mapped incorectly). We will blog more about this new adventure next week when we upgrade from our measly dial-up connection (it took about a half an hour to upload these two pictures).
We figured that since we were living in a new home that it would be a good time to graduate Boston from his crib into a real human bed. I guess all the change was too much for our son.
Posted by Bishop Family at 6:41 PM 4 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Coming Soon: "The Valley of the Stars"
Coming Soon: "The Valley of the Stars". In the meantime, if you have any connections in Star Valley please let us know.
Posted by Bishop Family at 7:32 AM 3 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Boston - Tagged By Teegan Miles
Posted by Bishop Family at 7:56 PM 5 comments